Make a Splash


Posted on 23rd May 2024 by Nicole Mullen
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Nm yellow sub bday 9

I love it when you have a fun stamp set which allows you to create a really fun scene. I used this really fun submarine set to do just that. I used:

Nm yellow sub bday 1

I started off by stamping my submarine multiple times on the yellow card. I used a solid black ink to get really good crisp outlines for this.

Nm yellow sub bday 2

I then cut out my main submarine carefully, and marked out where I wanted to 'add' other colours to it. X marks the spot!

Nm yellow sub bday 3

For the windows I wanted to make sure they looked more like real windows so added blue over the yellow to give a glass look.

Nm yellow sub bday 4

I cut apart my other yellow submarines, and also added in some grey and added on to my main yellow until I was left with my final product.

Nm yellow sub bday 5

I then wanted to create a fun background for my card. I lost a few photos here, so will have to explain a bit more with fewer photos, apologies! I layered up the darker blue as the background layer on top of the white card base. I added some yellow to the bottom to act as the sandy ocean base.

Nm yellow sub bday 6

To put this all together I used the wave stamp to give the top to the pale blue card layer, and fussy cut the shape onto it. I added a tone-on-tone stamp of bubbles for the ocean to give some texture too. I added the 'sand' yellow layer by tearing the top to give a 'sand' texture. I added the submarine on with foam tape.

Nm yellow sub bday 7

I added a sentiment and the card was done. I love the fun graphic look on this one! Do you enjoy making scenes on your cards?

Nm yellow sub bday 8

Nm yellow sub bday 9


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