Creating a Hand Cut Paper Flower Centre


Posted on 13th February 2018 by Keji Aofiyebi
Filed under All Papercraft Tutorials, Design Team, Paper Flowers

So this week I’m going to do a simple tutorial on creating a centre for last week’s paper flower.

I often find that the centre of the flower makes a difference in the overall appearance of the paper flower as centre is where the detail is.

 Materials needed:

First you cut your A4 card in half.

Img 0501

Now cut one half in half.

You should have two quarters and one half.

Fold each strip in each in half.

Img 0502

Img 0503

Now use your shearers to cut a little way in to each from the folded end.

When you are done your paper strips  should look like this.

Img 0504

Now take a pencil and start to slowly wind your strips around it, using the pencil as a center.

Continue until all the strips are wound around and now it should look like this.

Img 0505

Img 0506

Glue the ends with your glue gun.

Secure to  the centre of your flower.

Img 0507

Img 0508

Img 0511

Now that the centre is in is makes a high difference on the appearance of the flower doesn’t it ..

I’m looking forward to seeing your creations..

If you would like to see more of Keji's work check out her Instagram or Facebook.

Tagged: paper flower, paper florist, design team

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